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The Matrix Revolution 720p Download Torrent

The Matrix Revolution 720p Download Torrent Pc

...that this film is not getting the credit it deserves. It is in myopinion one of the most underrated films of all time along with TheMatrix Reloaded. Revolutions is undoubtedly different from the previousfilms both in general and in terms of tone but why is that necessarilya bad thing? I won't be so arrogant as to say that the people who don'tlike this film are unintelligent. Whether or not people like a film ornot is a subjective matter but I can't help feeling that the people whodislike (or even hate) this film are missing something becauseRevolutions is an intelligent, entertaining, beautiful, sad and movingpicture.The acting of all three films have been a mixed bag and although Iusually join in the bashing of Keanu Reeves I find him strangelyfitting for the part of Neo. His voice is not the perfect voice due toits monotonous tone but his body language is very good and sometimeseven great and that is the case in Revolutions as well. Carrie-AnneMoss plays her character like she did in film two and that is neitherparticularly good or bad but a decent performance. LaurenceFishbourne's character has been reduced somewhat for the final part ofthe series but I found that the lines he did have were delivered withconviction and experience. As most people know Gloria Foster diedbefore finishing her scenes for Revolutions and thus a differentactress was cast to take over. The choice fell on Mary Alice and whileshe is no where near as good as Foster she is decent enough. Ian Blissgets a chance to show his worth in the third film and personally Ifound his scenes to be among the most interesting of the film and hisuncanny imitation of Weaving was spot on. Most of the secondary castfrom Reloaded returns in their parts in Revolutions and they all dodecent jobs with their characters. Harry J. Lennix (Lock) improved hischaracter tremendously in spite of limited screen time. Hugo Weavingstill provides the best acting in the film and steals every one of hisregrettably limited number of scenes. He is probably my all timefavorite screen bad guy. He manages to show the change in his characterremarkably well considering how limited his screen time is. Agent Smithexhibits an increasing amount of human traits including anger, hatred,jealousy and even a sly sense of humor. This change happens to mirrorNeo's growing understanding of the machines. Neo and Smith are linkedin that way as well.The effects are of course extraordinary which was to be expected afterthe stellar effects in the second film. Although there weren't as manyscenes inside The Matrix this time around I still found the effects ofthe 'real' world to be awe inspiring at the least and the battle forZion was an incredible display of special effects. Of course thedirectors never lost sight of the people involved in the battle makingit more tense had it only been effects. The climactic battle betweenNeo and Smith is quite simply stunning. It takes roughly 15 minutes andI for one hardly breathed in those 15 minutes. All three Matrix filmshave been inspired by Japanese animé comics and that is very visible inthe final battle as one can't help but think of Dragonball forinstance. The action in that particular scene is frighteningly welldone and I got the chills when I watched it in the cinema. Very welldone.The story is darker in this film than in either of the previous filmsbut that is to be expected as the first film was about birth and thesecond about life. Obviously that means that the third is about theinevitable end that must come to us all: Death. This does that the toneof the film becomes much darker and I felt that was good. This did thatthe film distanced itself from the previous films in the series andrather than become another rerun the film becomes its own entirely andthat is both its weakness and its strength. I think it is its strengthas it increases the originality of the film but apparently a lot ofpeople didn't like the interpretation that the third film represents asis clear from the bashing the film has gotten from audiences andcritics alike. The film does still have great symbolic value and youcan interpret the film in a great number of ways like the previousfilms. For me this improves the film(s) greatly as you can watch itagain and again and still find new things that will renew yourinterest.Sadly I cannot make you love this film as much as I do because thatwould defeat the purpose of the film which is to make people think forthemselves. My conclusion about Revolutions is that you will eitherlove or you will hate it but in my opinion Revolutions is almost asgood as the first one and one of the best films I have ever seen.9/10 - On my top 10 of best films.