Serial Number Check?

I want to know if this serial number corresponds to a ESP LTD EC-1000 black guitar, the serial number is R0610056. The all serial number esp guitar: serial 43816.

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  • Serial Number Check?


    Hello all; would someone please let me know if this serial number is legitimate?

    Do all signature series have the ESP logo on the back of the headstock? This one does not, and I feel like I got the deal of a lifetime on it.

    It feels great, has the certificate of authenticity, came in what appeared to be original packaging, has the logo on the case, and appears to have come from a legitimate dealer. Am I just being paranoid, or am I in good shape?

    Thanks to all; Happy Holidays

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    • Pusheadwrote
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    • Fiutem F.wrote
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    • Fiutem F.wrote
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    • Fiutem F.wrote
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    • Fiutem F.wrote

      I may have made a boo-boo by taking off the 'Made In Japan' sticker, but I did the same thing when FMIC had their sticker on the back of the two in the background there - I did it before I even thought about it. :(

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    • Fiutem F.wrote

      Matte finish is hard to see in the photos; daggers are reflecting light coming in from the window about bouncing off of me.

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    • Fiutem F.wrote

      I can take and post any other photos.

      Thank you for all your help; I hope that I am now a part of the ESP family.

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    • Pusheadwrote

      It's legit. Probably intended for the Japanese market, as those didn't always have the circle logo on the back of the headstock. I have two different ESPs without circle logos (a JH-1 and an MX-II). Nice guitar, I've always liked that finish, I love those Hanneman guitars.

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    • Sam E.wrote

      HEY guys! i recently traded my old schecter for this ESP LTD EC-1000. it was a steal of a trade and i thought it was too good to be true being the fact that this my dream guitar. is this an authentic ESP or did i get hustled? It also came with an ESP hardcase.

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    • GuitarsCollectorwrote

      Guitars made for Japanese market does not have ESP circle logo...

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    • Romel M.wrote

      on facebook, someone selling his LTD bass guitar to me, and i just look out this LTD Bass guitar serial number H0409646 Made in Korea, i wanna know if this is legit or copy help me to verify, please help me find out about this.

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    • Pusheadwrote

      Post photos. I'm used to Korean made guitars starting with a W, but that doesn't mean much of anything without seeing the bass.

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    • Francis Floreswrote

      didn't know if this is legit and model is unidentified. i'm helping my friend decide whether to swap his Zoom B3 in exchange for this bass and a stompbox.. i bet somebody above this post is asking the same question. so here goes. pics are here.

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    • Pusheadwrote

      Who is this supposed to be a sig model for? It doesn't look like any LTD I've ever seen, but that doesn't mean much.

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    • Arefin S.wrote


      Hi,above serial no is for

      LTD Deluxe M 1000. Can anyone tell me is the number for original deluxe M 1000?

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